Beauty and Fashion blog by Rebekah O'Leary

Friday, 14 October 2016

USING A BAR OF SOAP TO DO YOUR BROWS?? | Soap brow technique

Hi my loves,

So I'm pretty sure out of all the products you ever thought you'd use on your eyebrows - a bar of old fashioned hand soap was not one of them - and I'm with you on that! 
Then all of a sudden a few weeks back I heard of this thing called 'Soap Brows' and now honestly, I thought it was just some strange challenge; like you know find the oddest thing you can put in your brows and see how it goes..... 
However this was not the case.
 Apparently using a bar soap to style & groom your brows IS a thing & actually originates from way back to the old Hollywood era and YouTube sensation Pixiwoo have decided to revive it!

The main goal and result you will see from using a bar of soap to do your brows is that they will look very natural and have that fluffy look as opposed to harsh and blocky. Your brows will also last all day no jokes.

So how exactly do you go about doing your brows with soap you may ask?
I got you covered.

 Basically what you will need is:
  1. A bar of soap (It has to be a clear glycerin bar of soap - so no bars of Dove otherwise your brows will look like they have dandruff. I used a brand called Pears that I got from Boots and I got 2 bars for about €1.90 ish and this will probably last me for the rest of my life.)
  2. An eyebrow spooly (any brand will do)
  3. Warm water or something you can use to cause the soap to soften.
  4. Your usual product of choice you use to fill in your brows OR if you have amazing brows and you don't need to fill them in, leave this step out.

Now I have seen this done two ways, I have seen it done using the soap first before you fill in brows and I have seen it being done after you've filled in your brows. I'm not 100% sure what is the 'correct' way, but I found both techniques worked well. If you have pretty full brows with very little that needs done with them I'd say go in with the soap first but if you need to do quite a bit of work on your brows then I think the soap after will maybe be the best for you.

Wet your bar of soap and very gently start to rub the spooly over the bar till you get a sort of paste collecting on the spooly. Don't take too much as it can be hard to work with - start with a little and you can work up.

Then basically all you're going to do is brush the spooly through your eyebrows and shape them to your desired effect (pic 3). If you want super natural or super full brows brush the hairs in an upward motion (pic 2) - if your brow hairs are very long obviously this won't really work for you but you can trim the brows after you've brushed them up too.
Now on to the optional step of filling your brows in (pic 4)- you can fill them in your own normal way OR for the real old Hollywood way you use your eyebrow product to draw hair like strokes to fill in the brow - avoiding drawing any heavy lines around the brow area like you would usually to get shape. This will give you the most natural brow of all time.

(In the picture above my left eyebrow is done using this technique whilst my right eyebrow is totally bare)

There we have it guys, I hope you found this helpful or even just a little interesting! I personally love know quirky hacks like this and I had to share it with you all!

With Love from,

Rebekah x



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